Unondus Walker is the Family Support Coordinator for View Point Health. View point currently services Gwinnett, Rockdale and Newton County in Georgia. She is the contact person for all three counties and can be reached at 678-209-2555 or Unondus.Walker@VPHealth.org if you have any questions.
Family Support Services currently provides limited funding for needed supplies and services that cannot be purchased through other sources. We also provide information to assist in finding services through community resources. Our Goal is to make a positive difference in the life of the person living with a developmental disability as well as the lives of all family members.
The Service is at no cost to the families, an application just has to be completed and approved by the region. The approval time for application is approximately 30 days.
View Point Health
175 Gwinnett Drive
P.O. Box 687
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
678-209-2330 Office
770-339-2281 Fax