If it helps you, please make sure to buy a copy for yourself.
It has been a wonderful study for me and our church group.
If you do not have a special needs church bible study of your own, you are welcome to join us from any location. We meet online Zoom on Sunday nights at 7pm. Register with Ashley Kovac. This is a group that understands where you are coming from without any judgement and open to support and lifting each other up.
Ashley Kovac
PACE Ministry Director
Cell 678-982-3573
Here are some other studies we will be doing.
1) “Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery for the Special Needs Parent” https://www.amazon.com/Unbroken-Faith-Spiritual-Recovery-Special/dp/1683971345
2) “Held: Learning to Live in God’s Grip: A Bible Study for Special-Needs Parents”