We have to be careful with bathing Corey in mild warm water because he will have seizures if he gets too warm. He has SCN9a gene which has a febrile seizure component and I wonder if this has any correlation. Very interesting to find this study.
Neurol Sci. 2012 Jun;33(3):631-3. doi: 10.1007/s10072-011-0780-4. Epub 2011 Sep 20.
Hot water epilepsy with pachygyria.
Hizem Y1, Gargouri A, Ben Djebara M, Kacem I, Abdelkefi I, Jemli F, Gouider R.
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Hot water epilepsy (HWE) refers to a specific type of reflex epilepsy precipitated by the stimulus of bathing in hot water. Pathogenesis is still unknown and temporal lobe has been thought to take part in the epileptogenesis. HWE can be symptomatic of focal cortical malformation, and few cases were reported. This is the third report of HEW in which a parietal malformation has been observed. Our hypothesis that sensory cortex might be implicated in the epileptogenic process is corroborated by two previous reports on patients with HWE and malformation of the parietal cortical development.
PMID: 21932090 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]