2012 Update:
Dr. Dobyns is still doing research on pachygyria as well as providing free reviews of MRI’s. The information is on the website or you can contact them directly. The website has the MRI request information listed. It also lists interesting information on Dr. Dobyns research, publications and so much more.
2012 Point of Contact:
Carissa Adams at carissa.adams@seattlechildrens.org
Brandi Bratrude brandi.bratrude@seattlechildrens.org
or (206) 884- 4102
The Dobyns / Millen / Christian research projects have moved to Seattle Children’s Research Institute.
Please send all samples and records to:
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
1900 Ninth Avenue, 10th Floor
Seattle, WA 98101
To schedule a clinic appointment with Dr. Dobyns:
Contact the Family Service Coordinators for Genetics
William B. Dobyns, M.D.
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Center for Integrative Brain Research
1900 Ninth Avenue
M/S C9S-10, Room 1020
Seattle, WA 98101
Office: 206-884-1025
Fax: 206-884-1210
e-mail: wbd@u.washington.edu