These are families who have a child with Pachygyria and are interested in connecting with other families.
**NOT for spam or solicitation. Please contact them if you have a child with Pachygyria only. Thank you. **
Candice Lange for Corey – Birthday 1998 – Georgia
Diagnosis: Multifocal epilepsy, mild hypotonic cerebral palsy, global developmental delays and at 11 yrs became mild mental retardation, exotropia strabismus, near sighted, sensory integration dysfunction, dysthagia, mild (grade 4) posterior LIS or “paracentral pachygyria” or mild lissencephaly LIS1.
April Kellum for Elizabeth – 16 yrs old in 2012
2518 Isabelle Drive
Copperas cove , TX 76522
Diagnosis: Mild Pachygyria
Lisa Tonn for Chase – Birthday February 13, 1997- Minneapolis MN
Diagnosis: Pachygyria, Nonverbal, seizures
Kelly Kay Wynn & Donnie Wynn for Makenzie – Birthday February 7, 2010 – Mesquite, TX
Diagnosis Neuronal Migration Disorder Pachygyria type in her frontal and temporal lobes with Infantile Spams (in remission due to Ketogenic diet!!!). Steroids stopped the hypsarrhythmia.
cell phone (310) 749-6568
Daphni Hamilton for Conor – Birthday February 18th, 2011 – Austin, TX
Diagnosis: Pachygyria/Mild lissencephaly LIS1 in the posterior part of the brain. Infantile Spasm Seizures. (started Keto 7/25/11)
Kim and Mike Lange for Cadie (Cadence) – Birthday 1997 – Oregon (interestingly not related)
Diagnosis: Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy until diagnosed at 6yr with Pachygyria in her frontal and parietal lobes. Infantile spasms but none since toddler years.
Justina for Trace Rich – Birthday 12/08 – Middleburg, Florida
Diagnosis: Grade 4 liss/pachygyria with Predominant Persivilian Pattern
Jaci Robinson-Hutchens for Jake Hutchens – Birthday 2/26/07 – Indiana
Diagnosis: Lissencephaly, Pachygyria, Isolated Lissencephaly Sequence
117 Edgewood Drive
Bedford, Indiana 47421
Tabatha Huckeba for Travis – Birthday 2001 – S. Carolina
Please visit the link below:
1. Go to www.carepages.com
2. Click “Visit a CarePage”
3. Register (first-time users only)
4. After you’ve registered, enter the exact CarePage Name: TravisHuckebasCarePage (no spaces)
2709 Harmony Rd., Rock Hill, SC 29730
Amy Branaugh for Grant – Birthday 2009 – Nebraska
Jessica Drake for Mason – Birthday 2008 – New York
Children Diagnosed with Pachygyria and Diagnosis Changed:
Note: Another child was switched from pachygyria to bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria by the Walsh Lab. Second opinions are needed with this diagnosis.
Bridget Lodge for Mary – Birthday 2002 – California
2010 Diagnosis changed to Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria with Worster-Drought Syndrome. 2008 diagnosis Pachygyria
Krista Karp for Jenna – Birthday 2004 – Wilmington, NC – Moved to Germany 2017
(2009 – possible perisylvian syndrome instead)
(take out the AT and the DOT and put in @ and . )
Nicholas and Samantha Isaacson for Hunter – 2/04/2010-7/6/2011 Missouri
Diagnosis: Pachygyria, Microcephaly and seizures that are hard to control.
10/2010 changed to – Microcephaly with a simplified pattern, Cortical Eye impairment, infantile spasms, seizures & spots that he has all over his body.
Visit Hunter’s website in two easy ways:
1. Visit the CaringBridge website by clicking the link below.
2. Enter the website name, hunterisaacson, at www.CaringBridge.org.
Contact: Samantha Isaacson
E-mail: sam.isaacson@stlcommunications.net