Designed to meet the needs of targeted families when other means or resources are not available. The Department of Human Resources has secured limited funding for focused support to families who have a family member with a Developmental Disability and Autism, PDD, or Asperger’s Syndrome living at home. Each Regional Board has been allocated this limited funding. The guidelines for accessing these funds fall under Family Support, though each Region might prescribe more specific requirements for obtaining support.
Funded services can include:
Respite Care
Environmental Modifications
Therapeutic Services
Personal Support
Day Habilitation
Specialized Clothing
Specialized Diagnostic Services
Recreation/Alternative Activities
Specialized Equipment
Specialized Nutrition/Supplies
Medical Care
In Gwinnett, Rockdale, Newton, DeKalb, and Fulton Georgia Community Support and
Solutions distributes the funding. Application process or questions — Contact Jennifer Crosby, Autism/DD Family Support Coordinator 404-634-4222, Ex.230.