Transition List To Do:
1) School – Transition Coordinator will help plan goals for transition out of high school and hopefully have information on next steps available in your area. This process usually starts around age 14.
2) State – Be in contact with your state representatives and join the organizations that support developmental delays.
3) Support Groups – Join support group for valuable information and “in” on how to get through the system.
4) Connect Other Parents – They are a valuable resource especially if they have walked the path before you.
5) Legal:
Decide on Guardianship/Power of Attorney/Conservership and process at or by 18. May need an attorney to process.
Complete SSI on 18th birthday and not before so the parents income will not be required. Use SSI for “Room and Board” and other expenses.
Apply for NOW/COMP Waiver ( GA) as young as possible and get on the waiting list. These funds will help with care expenses such as day programs or group living.
Note: If you get the NOW/COMP waiver before 18 and have the Katie Beckett Waiver then the KB waiver becomes the MAO waiver with the same ID number. DO NOT cancel the Katie Beckett Waiver.
AADD All About Developmental Disabilities www.aaddorg
Unlock the Waiting List www.unlockthewaitinglists.com
disABILITY Link www.disabilitylink.org
GA council on DD www.gcdd.org
These organizations provide information and support to individuals and their families on how to advocate for more public funding so people with developmental disabilities can live and work in their communities. Parents and self-advocates play a vital role in these efforts.
Meet your legislature – ask if they know about the waivers, DD, etc. Say “we” are watching how they vote on DD”. Get to know them and have them get to know you for your child/adults needs to be met.
Microboard – google – can be used to help plan the life for the child/adult with special needs
Potential Care Givers:
Special Ed bus drivers
Ideas for Group Homes:
L’arche International
check the local churches for programs
These notes came from the Transition Program at Parent Mentors of Gwinnett Public School System. Great course to take.